Monday, May 4, 2009

Operation Twinkie Salt & Burn!

For those of you that haven't had a conversation with me I'll explain something really quickly. I'm a dork, and I'm a dork with A LOT of free time on her hands right now. So when I had a conversation with some people about how Twinkies are EVIL and it was maybe mentioned that they should be salted and burned for their demonic ways I couldn't just let that go. They may not have technically dared me to do it...but I did it anyway with picture evidence because it didn't really happen if there are no pictures right? I even got some of my neighbors involved when those pesky moist cakes of creame and evil wouldn't go up in flames and they lovingly passed over some lighter fluid to get the flames going. And now, for your viewing pleasure:

The box of Twinkies that I drew silly things on.

Tower of Evil Twinkies


Attempt to light #1

After the friendly neighborhood lighter fluid, you can see where the plate caught fire first.

And here they are on fire. Someone pass the marshmallows.

So there you have it! Next up...I'm making a Lilith voodo doll to salt & burn. I am taking suggestions for what should be next.

xoxox @androidtomato


  1. OMGthis is brilliant! I'm doing this with all my ex's old CDs that I still have..I will document and photograph. Promise xxx

  2. Good recap of events. And extra points for limited finger pointing too ;-)

    I'd be afraid of making suggestions .. don't want to appear complicit. LOL

  3. OMG! you really have a lot of time hahaha! But you are really funny. Love the Twinkies burning ritual. They are evil and they should all be burn till there is not anymore lol
    Keep doing such a good job. Looking foward for the voodo doll burning!
